Brian Petersen
Graduate Students
I have been fortunate to have worked with amazing graduate students. Below you can read about the lab and see a list of current and previous students whose graduate committees I have chaired in both Geography and Sustainable Communities.
Graduate Student Lab
I have greatly enjoyed mentoring graduate students and am always looking to take on new students. Our program does not have core courses in geography so I have created a lab with my students that focuses on critical geography and related social science. We read widely in a way that supplements their course work but also relates to their theses. My students have undertaken successful thesis research projects on varied topics, all with a strong theoretical framework and robust social science methods, usually interview and survey based. I am also on the steering committee for the Sustainable Communities Program and have chaired graduate student committees from that program, as well.
If you are a prospective graduate student, look over my teaching and research pages and reach out to me if you feel like my research interests align with yours and if this program seems like a good fit for you.
Regarding the lab, we typically meet weekly, checking in on classes and thesis work. We always read something, usually articles and books, but the students also distribute their work for peer feedback. Books we have read include As Long as Grass Grows, The Progress Illusion, Seeking Spatial Justice, The Metabolic Rift, the Conservation Revolution, and the Great Transformation. The articles we read focus on social theory, critical geography, political ecology, critical GIS and countermapping, spatiality, as well as topical areas related to climate change, adaptation, energy, conservation, and public land management.
The students have written exceptional theses. See below for who I have had the great pleasure of working with and their thesis titles.
Current Graduate Students
Former Graduate Students